Volunteer Spotlight: Martin Robbins

05 June, 2019

Colostomy UK: volunteers week

June 1-7th is Volunteers’ Week and a chance to celebrate and say thank you for the fantastic contribution hundreds of volunteers make across the UK to the lives of ostomates.

Martin Robbins is just one we’d like to shout about.

Martin joined Colostomy UK as a volunteer in 2012. Martin attends open days on our behalf as and also provides peer-to-peer telephone support to ostomates.

He also raised £1150 for Colostomy UK through a Lions walkathon.

Away from Colostomy UK Martin set up and runs the Coventry Stoma support group, providing a valuable community outlet for people with a stoma in the West Midlands.

Thank you Martin!

Colostomyuk become a volunteer

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