We recognise three outstanding individuals
07 October, 2019

Our recent BIG Open Day gave us the opportunity to formally recognise and thank a number of individuals for all they have done to support the ostomate community.

Colostomy UK trustee Alfred Levy received an award for his long-serving contribution both to our charity and to ostomates in the Stevenage area through the Ostomistics support group.

Our volunteer Irene constable received the award for most active volunteer in the last year. As well as answering our stoma helpline and attending open days on our behalf, she runs the BOTS support group in Shropshire and has been campaigning tirelessly over the past twelve months or so in support of our ‘stoma friendly society’ campaign. As well as convincing a number of town councils and hospitals to make their accessible toilets stoma friendly she has also appeared in the local press and BBC radio.

Finally our senior support coordinator Jo McKenzie was recognised for her long service. After initially joining us as a volunteer, she has been with us for nearly 20 years now. The chances are, if you have ever called us, then its Jo you will have spoken too!
Congratulations to all three from everyone at Colostomy UK.