We’re REALLY into January!
02 January, 2023

I know it’s hard to believe, but here at Colostomy UK we’re really into January!
It’s a great time of year to shake off the cobwebs and get Active again.
This month we’re sharing lots of hints and tips to get you moving, and launching our latest set of Active Ostomates: at Home virtual classes.
Give it time; we’re sure you’ll be as into January as we are!
So what do we have to inspire you?
Active Ostomates: at Home virtual classes

Our popular Yoga, Pilates, Chair Yoga, and Mindfulness & Meditation classes are all back for the new year! Find out more and sign up here
Top tips for getting active if you have a stoma
Getting back to sport can be quite daunting so we’ve put together a series of Top Tips from people living with a stoma to help give you the confidence to get started again

Exercises to try at home
Gentle exercise is a vital part of getting better after an operation.
From Pelvic floor exercises and tilts, to arm raises and knee rolls, our Sport and fitness after stoma surgery booklet features lots of exercises you can do at home that will strengthen your core helping to reduce back and posture problems as well as the risk of post–operative hernias.
They can be performed on the bed, lying on a thick mat so that your spine is gently cushioned, or sitting on a chair. You can download a copy here
Our booklet also signposts how you can get in to lots of activities from walking to Cycling.
Try something new
If you’d like to ease your way into Team Sports have you thought about Walking Rugby or Football?
We’ve teamed up with some great partners in West Yorkshire, Greater Manchester, and Gloucestershire to provide some great Stoma Aware activity
Healthy eating
Eating a healthy diet and staying hydrated are a really important part of living a healthy and active style.
We know that for many people living with a stoma, that this can prove to be a bit of a minefield, however help is at hand! Check out our information pages for lots of hints and tips from expert dieticians on managing your diet
Talk to someone who’s been there
If you’d like to talk to someone living with a stoma who has successfully managed the challenge to get active again why not give us a call on 0118 939 1537 and we’ll match you up with one of our trained volunteers.