The latest edition of Tidings is available online!
12 October, 2019

The latest edition of Tidings is now available online!
Tidings is our quarterly support magazine. It’s 50- plus pages packed with real life stories, the latest news on our projects and campaigns, regular features on travel, irrigation, support groups and open days.
In the winter edition we have…
Real Life Stories:
- My two stomas ‘Ping’ and ‘Pong’ by Vicky Sykes
- Back to work and life after colostomy Lesley Denton
- Life is for Living by Richard Jordan
- Never give up: from Bobby Charlton to family of three by Lynda Smith
- Colostomy UK: active ostomates
- Bowel Disease Research Foundation by Glen Saffery, Research Coordinator
- Irrigation and you: Fear, fun and finding your feet…all part of the experience (part two) by Trevor Alexander
- Your letters and e–mails
- My role as a hospital visitor Moira Hammond
- News from support groups across the UK
- Stoma care open days
- National support organisations
All the updates from Colostomy UK, a review of our BIG open day and a focus on fundraising.

You can download the issue by clicking here.
If you’d prefer a physical copy you can easily register with us, simply click here.
Alternatively e-mail or call us:0118 939 1537 or